Keep Of Kalessin - Reptilian (2010) Lyrics

Band: Keep Of Kalessin
Album: Reptilian
Release Date: 10 May 2010 (Europe)
Genre: Melodic Black Metal
Label: Indie Recordings,
Nuclear Blast Records
Artwork by: Marcelo Vasco
Producer: Obsidian C.
- Line Up CD: from left -
Vegar "Vyl" Larsen: Drums
Arnt "Obsidian C." Grønbech: 
Guitars, Keyboards
Torbjørn "Thebon" Schei: Vocals
Robin "Wizziac" Isaksen: Bass Guitar
(Norway: Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag)

01. Dragon Iconography - Lyrics:

Here you are
Recorded in stained glass
The devil from the mountains

Born of dragons

Fearsome beasts of legends
Awaken soldier of ancient times
Guardian of all that is known
Your reign has been overthrown

Here you are

Descendant of the fallen star
Dragon iconography

The circle is broken

The bridges are burned
The land is on fire
The dead has returned
For centuries the tales have been told
Through ages your fires grew cold

Claw and fang

Your weapons at hand
The devil from the mountains
Smoke and fire
Your blades of desire
The wind is with your wings

Born from the fires of creation

He knows the true name of this world
Risen again from aeons of sleep
The red giant breathes

He has risen to learn

That the dead walks the earth
Awaiting their masters return
Guardian of all that is known
Your reign has been overthrown

Here you are

Descendant of the fallen star
Dragon iconography

Claw and fang

Your weapons at hand
The devil from the mountains
Smoke and fire
Your blades of desire
The wind is with your wings

Claw and fang

Your weapons at hand
The devil from the mountains
Smoke and fire
Your blades of desire
The flame to bring down kings

Our studies of the arcane and divine

Has unlocked the potential of our draconic heritage
We have unlocked the power to wield the flame
Our worship of the black talon
Has become our way in war
Our way in war.

02. The Awakening - Lyrics:

At the rise of dawn
Beyond the lands of man
The beast has awakened
From a deep slumber
Or hundreds of years
It has laid dormant
Now again it appears

Into the fires of the mountain

From the darkest day in time
The era of the future begins
Eras of waiting his return
Now the stars are forming his true name

Made of magic

The language of the making
With ironclad rock as his skin
Through cosmos he breathes
Through the stars he sees
An era will end
Rebirth of our kin

Awaken from centuries of sleep

Returning to the keep
We feel the warmth of fire
Return Reptilian king of kings


Grant us power!

Reaching for the stars of Agnen

A journey through the dark
Seen through the eyes of fire
We're drawn into the void


Grant us power!

Ancestral mighty being

Of dimensions unknown
Sworn to protect the old oath
He who has crossed the dark land
Shall inherit the throne
An era will end
Revenge is at hand

Awaken from centuries of sleep

Returning to the keep
We feel the warmth of fire
Return Reptilian king

Awaken from centuries of sleep

Returning to the keep
We feel the warmth of fire
Return Reptilian king of kings

Reaching for the stars of Agnen

A journey through the dark
Seen through the eyes of fire
We're drawn into the void to live.

03. Judgement - Lyrics:

Judgement has come
The guilty will fall
Unforgiving terror
Pentrating wall
Harvest you all
For their war-machine
No-one will live
Unless life is given

Let the kingdom law be heard!

Let the kingdom law be heard!!

Toned to death

Burned to dust
Bled to live
Reborn to rule

Do not feel beaten down

But rather praise the crown
Fear to the peasants word
Let the kingdom law be heard

Dark disciples gather now

To set their icon on fire
Our hate has grown
Much to strong
We pary for war
To justify our sins

For days and nights

Words and flames devour life
Enslavement of mankind
Is at hand!

Once again the earth will bleed

Once again the winds will seize
Never again will water flow
Triumphant fires from below

Let the kingdom law be heard!

Let the kingdom law be heard!!

04. The Dragontower - Lyrics:

Lord and King of the underworld
Begin to light your fire
Return your majesty
Awaken your desire
Into your place we march
To breed our new-born master
Into the phase reborn
To bear the sins thereafter
Your seal is broken...

Help me to uncover our power

Save me from your uncovered lies
Grant me the power of the Dragontower
Give me the might to set us free

Name has not been spoken in the altars of centuries

Not even whispered by the old ones
It's time to break the seal
Return your majesty
Your silence is broken...

Help me to uncover our power

Save me from your uncovered lies
Grant me the power of the Dragontower
Give me the might to set us free.

05. Leaving The Mortal Flesh - Lyrics:

Dark times lies ahead
Victims of future genocide
Serpents of the undead king
Forcing them to suicide

It will all be revealed

At the gates of beckoning
The day of reckoning
And the end of suffering

At peace for the being

Leaving the mortal flesh

Of a battle long lost

We now pay the bitter cost
The warriors have fallen through
Banners are burning red

Ascended into oblivion

In peace they're leaving
The kingdom in ruins
For their wicked beings
They fought and they lost
They offered ascension
They begged and they wept
As we sent them into oblivion

It has all been revealed

The day of reckoning
Serpents of the undead king
Forcing them to suicide

At peace for the being

Leaving the mortal flesh.

06. Dark As Moonless Night - Lyrics:

And speak the truth
You will bleed dry before you die
Broken oath
Worship the loathe
Betrayer! Betrayer of life

You wear the crest of the shamed

In blood you are blamed
You're going down, down
Down underground
Blood on your hands
In blood we are bound

A slaughter is at hand

In this godforsaken land
Swear to your masters command
Swear to blood and join the death-clan
Dying the dream
The beast awakening
Seeing through the eyes of horror
Living the dream
The dream of death
Screaming through the mouth of terror

Wake up!

And turn the cross
Be not afraid to die as one of us
Come forth and state your title
Be a man and burn your bible

Night shines in lack of light

Embrace the darkest night
Scarred from an endless fight
Save me from the light
Dark as moonless night

Bow down in awe

And salute the dragon's claw
Thunder from above
Fire from below

Wake up!

And turn the cross
Be not afraid to die as one of us
Come forth and state your title
Be a man and burn your bible

Night shines in lack of light

Embrace the darkest night
Scarred from an endless fight
Save me from the light
Dark as moonless night.

07. The Divine Land - Lyrics:

Under the clear night-sky
Universal power unite
In the dazzling starlight
For the union in twilight

Divine the essence of nature

Fulfilment is what we crave
We've waited through centuries
For small men to deprave
We gaze and call upon
The bringers of the storm
And now they're finally reborn

Rejoice in stellar elite

Divine union complete
We ride the cosmic storm
We don't take any form

Divine the essence of nature

Fulfilment is what we crave
We've waited through centuries
For small men to deprave
We gaze and call upon
The bringers of the storm
And now they're finally reborn

Taken steps out of our world

Risen to oppose and leave the union of man
Through creation and destruction
We've found the meaning of splendour

We have found

The way to stay divine
We march towards the stars

The balance of elements

And everlasting unity
From the dawn of time
To the end of eternity

Divine the essence of nature

Fulfilment is what we crave
We've waited through centuries
For small men to deprave
We gaze and call upon
The bringers of the storm
And now they're finally reborn.

08. Reptilian Majesty - Lyrics:

Ruins towering around
Shadows of the past
Built again in all their splendour
Trophies of war and triumph
A march of victory
How can one who's heart is ravenous
Settle with concord?

Still the hunger prey on heart

Eats away at a growing void
A peace that weakens the spirit
A war that needs a world
Grant me the power to rise from mortal
Grant me the spells to raise the dead
When all is lost and all is won
How does on go on?

How do I go on?

And so it is written

In the ancient scrolls:

"Descending comes the ones of old

Down from the skies like long time told
A mountain in size with wings like a bird
Thunder and fire in smoke obscured
So begins the reign of the one
To long has his makers been gone
Reptilian order ones roamed this land
Time for retribution
Revenge at hand!"

Revenge at hand!!

Being not of our time

Here is none of your kind
Your world is for me to burn
Earn the right to bear your name

My name is equal to destruction

I am the centre of the universe

The beginning and the end
I am the unstoppable adverse
Through me you'll transcend
It's written in an ancient tongue
That men can not pronounce
There is only one law and one justice
And it's punishable by death!

"The spear of darkness

Has overthrown the light
Possesed by the darkness
I walk the path of your ruin
I've bled to become what I am
The master of the black tower
The dragon of many colours and none
I will live after the stars have lost their fire
To the rebirth of a new cosmos
I claim revenge of the slain who summoned me
Why have I been awakened?"


From the fire that created the flames
Bow to the master of the blackwind
By the grace of my broken scales
I curse you!
Your lifesbane disbanded forever

Divinus maiestatis

Caelestis maiestatis

Caelestis maiestatis

Priscus creatura
Divinus maiestatis
Caelestis creatura

In these final hours

Before death will take me
I give you my true name
This is my name forever
And this is my memorial name to all generations

Elevate me from human

Make me the imperishable one
Grant me eternal life
Make me The One

Grant me the power to rise from mortal

Grant me the spells to raise the dead
When all is lost and all won
How does on go on?

How do I go on?

And so it is told in the ancient tongue:

"Descending comes the ones of old

Down from the skies like long time told
A mountains in size with wing like a bird
Thunder and fire in smoke obscured
So begins the reign of the one
To long has his makers been gone
Reptilian order ones roamed this land
Time for retribution
Revenge is at hand"
Revenge is at hand!