Man Must Die - No Tolerance For Imperfection (2009) Lyrics

Band: Man Must Die
Album: No Tolerance For Imperfection
Release Date: 4 August 2009
Genre: Technical Death Metal
Label: Relapse Records
Producer by: Scott Atkins
- Line Up CD: from left -
Matt Holland: Drums
* Danny McNab: Bass Guitar
* Joe McGlynn: Vocals
* Alan McFarland: Guitars
(Scotland: Glasgow)

01. No Tolerance For Imperfection - Lyrics:

Self-awareness rules your life
Incisions made under the knife
Decisions that you will regret
Man made monster


Disconnect your brain, just let it go
Learning from a magazine is all you know
Obsessed with how you want to look
And how you are perceived
You'd sell it all, mind body and soul for fame
After your body even change your name
It's not who you are it's who you blow
Your self-respect pissed away in one go

You think they give a fuck?
You think they even care?
There's plenty more where you came from please take a chair

The path to hell's paved with your intentions
A plastic rack and fake hair extensions

Dreams come undone!

Left in constant agony through surgery
Demonstrating lack of integrity
A cocaine nosebleed and a head full of bad memories
Never ending downward spiral


The lights are on but nobody's at home
Starve yourself, there's nothing left but skin and bone
So ugly on the inside you can't bear to look at yourself

You'd sell it all, mind body and soul for fame
After your body even change your name
It's not who you are it's who you blow
Your self-respect pissed away in one go

Down and out
Blood splattered angel
Dreams are left unfound

I want to tell you something
And out
Your kind's a fucking disgrace
Blood splattered angel
Dreams are left unfound
And out
In their world there is

02. Gainsayer - Lyrics:

Ignore the truth, inhale the lies

Double standards in the values they preach
Hail Mary and all your sins forgiven
Segregation in the name of peace
Keep them down, keep them scared, controlled
Outdated is every fuckin part of your ideology
I'm sick and tired of people dying in the name of peace

Brainwashed under their control
Denounce all that you think you know
I've stood on the brink
I've watched the world tear itself apart
Conditioned not to think
A meat puppet deceived from the start

Our fear is their weapon
Forever destined to crawl
I'm going to fight, I'm going to win
My life is mine, and I will take it by force

I've stood on the brink
I've watched the world tear itself apart
Conditioned not to think
A meat puppet deceived from the start

Your words aren't worth the fuckin' paper they're printed on
A work of fiction bastardised through misinterpretation and delusion
You expect me to believe that your god loves everyone equally
Yet you wage war on anyone who opposes his will?

My mind's made up
I've had enough of you

Ignore the truth, inhale the lies

Double standards in the values they preach
Hail Mary and all your sins forgiven
Segregation in the name of peace
Keep them down, keep them scared, controlled
Outdated is every fuckin part of your ideology
I'm sick and tired of people dying in the name of peace

Our fear is their weapon
Forever destined to crawl
I'm going to fight, I'm going to win
My life is mine, and I will take it by force.

03. Kill It, Skin It, Wear It - Lyrics:

Hang your heads in shame
Human failure, kill for gain
Mankind has lost all dignity
Skinned alive, the thoughts unbearable
Left to die, untraceable
Just another fashion accessory

Mass slaughter of the innocent
Kill it, skin it, wear it
How the fuck can you rest your head and sleep at night ?
Kill it, skin it, wear it
Where do we draw the line ?

Hammer to the head
A merciless killing, nothing said
Tell me who are the animals ?
Final breath, discard the carcass
Wear the flesh
It's sickening the depths we will sink to for money
Were the animals now !

Mass slaughter of the innocent
Kill it, skin it, wear it
How the fuck can you rest your head and sleep at night ?
Kill it, skin it, wear it
Where do we draw the line ?

We're the animals
We're the animals

Crammed into cages
Madness sets into the mind
Stockpile of bodies
Writhe in pain until they die
All of this for the value of ink and paper
Gassed or bludgeoned
The end results the loss of rights
The rich and wealthy fund this motherfucking genocide
All of this for the value of ink and paper

Kill it, skin it, wear it
Kill it, skin it, wear it
Kill it, skin it, wear it
Where do we draw the line ?

A life for a life I say
Senseless violence it will never go away

Kill it, skin it, wear it.

04. It Comes In Threes - Lyrics:

Your life isn't yours, it belongs to me now
Every inconsistency looked at through a microscope, no hope
No way of being human
The chance that you might fuck up keeps the media drooling
Out for blood

It comes in threes
And they're dropping off like flies
Is this the end or the new beginning?

Set you up to tear you down
Vultures come without a sound
Driven by demons
Set you up to tear you down
Vultures come without a sound

Global domination, you're a big shot celebrity
You got the money the fame
The model wife don't want for anything
Except privacy
There's a bounty on your head
And nothing will take it off
Just a matter of time till someone takes a shot
Then you're dead!

It comes in threes
And they're dropping off like flies
Is this the end or the new beginning?

Set you up to tear you down
Vultures come without a sound
Driven by demons
Set you up to tear you down
Vultures come without a sound

You're meat for the beast!

It comes in threes
And they're dropping off like flies
Is this the end or the new beginning?

Driven by demons
Driven by demons.

05. This Day Is Black - Lyrics:

Are you listening?
Every day's like the end of the world
Relived through tired eyes
Remember this day is black
Put an end to the suffering, a never ending crusade
I feel challenged by nothing
Watch karma devour it's prey

This time I'll do it my own way
And plain fuck all those who oppose me
I am the arsonist and architect a contradiction
A revelation
Self loathing is one thing that I know all too well

I see the pig inside us all and it makes me fuckin sick
I've opened my eyes now it's time for you to do the same
I'm only human, after all, how much can one man take?

I refuse forgiveness from the big man
Sing hail hail the king is here

Remember this day is black

Every day's like the end of the world
Relived through tired eyes
Remember this day is black
Put an end to the suffering, a never ending crusade
I feel challenged by nothing
Watch karma devour it's prey

Take a look inside
Life and death entwined
Emotional exile
All hope abandoned
Shut up, stand down
You're no god

Stand and we'll fight it
We won't be divided
Speak your mind right now
Or shut your fucking mouth

Shut up, stand down
You're no god

When everything is said and done
I can rejoice in the fact that I'm not the only one crawling back
I will never come crawling back
I am alive!

06. Hide The Knives - Lyrics:

Save your fuckin breath
I don't believe a word that you just said
You're no good, you're worthless
Your ignorance is bliss
Inside your world, no one else but you exists
You're no good, I fucking told you so

Think you can outsmart me with your bullshit ?
Too many years have passed
I took it in the ass for you
Sick and tired of your sob story antics
I had no choice but to cut fucking loose from you

Amazing that you can't see what you've done wrong
Instead you point the blame
Because you can't deal with the shame
Turn it around; make me your fucking scapegoat
This is my lesson learned, This is to all concerned

This is my curse
This is my plague
It's better to settle it now before it's too late

You failed me
Hide the knives, I want to
Hide the knives, I beg you
Cut out this dead infection
Embrace my new direction

You're like a child throwing a fit
I'd sit through anything other than this
Your very presence makes my flesh crawl
You cannot justify it; you'd better not even try it
Cause I am one step from the knife draw.

07. Dead In The Water - Lyrics:

This world is cold, empty
Nothing like it used to be

We're dead in the water
In time we'll pay for out sins
We're dead in the water
In time we'll pay

Take time to realise this world in which we live
A false icon on the TV screen promises to set us free
Subscribe to the trendy magazine that is made to drain your self-esteem
A world where everyone's a self made god
Ignorance, the new law
Arrogant, we are
Who gives a fuck if millions die?
As long as you get paid

Fall of social standards
Crush the ability to think for ourselves
Instead conform, free thought denied

This world is cold, empty
Nothing like it used to be

The only way we know

We're dead in the water
In time we'll pay for out sins
We're dead in the water
In time we'll pay

Is man a mistake, a virus on this world?
Bred to hate
The time has come, we can't run from our fate
We have bled dry
Every natural resource that we could find
Now common place, fuck this race
It's evident now it's time to die

We are a race of parasites
We need the flood to make things right

This world is cold, empty
Nothing like it used to be

The only way we know

We're dead in the water
In time we'll pay for out sins
We're dead in the water
In time we'll pay.

08. What I Can't Take Back - Instrumental ♫

09. Reflections From Within - Lyrics:

I look inside for the answers to my sins
The termination of self respect and pride, denied I've got no place to hide
You projected your failures and fears onto me
Nothing's the same, you taught me how to hate
And for that I will never forgive you
And for that I will never believe you

You will never know what you have put me through
This is death without mourning

Today's the day that I turn and face the truth
I can't stand the thought of becoming you
The pain remains, my mirror image changed
You projected your failures and fears onto me
Nothing's the same, you taught me how to hate
And for that I will never forgive you
And for that I will never believe you

My will is something you cannot break
My need to defy
Reflections from within

You will never know what you have put me through
This is death without mourning

You left me for dead

You left me for dead
Tell me I am wrong
All the things you have said
Will no longer hurt me or fuck my mind anymore than you have already
Give me a sign
This is where it ends

You will never know what you have put me through
Time has come for me to fuckin kill you!

My will is something you cannot break
My need to defy
Reflections from within

You will never know what you have put me through.

10. How The Mighty Have Fallen - Lyrics:


Trapped in this shell, a living hell that I have lived through
It's beyond any kind of pain that I had felt before
Stripped of worth and beaten flat to the floor
Every day feels like swallowing razor blades

Black out the windows to vanquish the sun
My greatest fears I'll overcome
Living nightmare pollutes my soul
It's gonna kill me if I let it take control

The path before me paved with decisions I have made
This suffocating state is all I know reduced to nothing


Losing control, a fear unknown
I heard my death march
A shadow of the man I was
And who I'll be again
Only this time I'll try not to pretend that I am fucking invincible

How the mighty have fallen
There's nothing left to fear
How the mighty have fallen

I will fight this
It's gonna kill me if I give it control
It's gonna kill me if I can't let it go

We must take control!


Trapped in this shell, a living hell that I have lived through
It's beyond any kind of pain that I had felt before
Stripped of worth and beaten flat to the floor
Every day feels like swallowing razor blades

How the mighty have fallen
There's nothing left to fear
How the mighty have fallen.

11. Survival Of The Sickest - Lyrics:

It's survival of the sickest when you are shit out of luck
It's survival of the sickest when you are shit out of luck
It's survival of the sickest when you are shit out of luck
It's survival of the sickest when you are shit out of luck.